MDabstract has the expertise to integrate facility/group/provider acquisition clinical and operational data into your Health Systems Enterprise EHR.
M&A is an important growth strategy for health systems, but integrating years of legacy patient data into your organizations enterprise EHR can be a hurdle to realizing the new partnership’s potential.
Access to the MDsolutions Hub for on-demand insight into your projects progress and dashboard metrics.
The expertise to seamlessly integrate acquisition clinical and operational data into enterprise systems utilizing client defined data governance rules to ensure standardized and consistent quality.
Flexible solution to manually migrate needed scanned documents seamlessly into enterprise system.
Protect clinician productivity levels as providers and patients transition to your organization.
Customized migration design that meets your merger/acquisitions specific needs… from single practitioners to 1500+ provider organizations and large hospital enterprises MDabstract can scale staffing levels to meet your needs.
Trained abstraction staff with experience in over 25 different EHR platforms.
A proven, on-going Quality Assurance program for the duration of your project that ensure the consistency and accuracy of your most valuable resource.
Get a flexible solution to manually migrate data and electronically move scanned documents seamlessly into your enterprise system.